Ribeirão Preto Startup Founder 101
How has the changed market impacted you? Are your customers buying your product or service? If not, what is your pivot strategy? On this free and live webinar Paul D’Souza — who has spent his career helping companies increase their revenue — will review a systematic approach you can use to pivot your company and get back to revenue.
>>> THIS IS AN ONLINE EVENT. TO RSVP, VISIT https://event.webinar… (or http://onlinestartupe… to register after the event begins).
This online event is part of the Founder Institute’s effort to combat COVID-19 and provide educational opportunities for entrepreneurs in the comfort of their own home. For more Online Startup Events, visit http://onlinestartupe…, and learn about the Founder Institute’s efforts at #StopTheSpread at https://fi.co/insight…
Ribeirão Preto, – Brazil
Thursday, April 2 at 8:00 PM
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